How to onion is bad | How to onion 2020 news | how to onion cultivation. |

     .How to onion is bad onion cultivation

onion is bad introduction

An onion is an herbaceous biennial in the family Liliaceae grown for its edible bulb . The stem of the plant is a flattened disc at the base and the tubular leaves form a pseudo stem where their sheaths overlap . The leaves are either erect or oblique and there are 3 - 8 per plant

. The onion plant produces pink or white flowers clustered on stalks . The bulbs are formed just above the flattened stem of the plant by overlapping leaves . The bulb is made up of several layers , each corresponding to a leaf

. They are generally oval but shape can be variable and occur in clusters of 3 - 18 to a plant . The bulb is protected by a membrane which turns to a papery coat . height of 50 cm

how to onion cultivation

In milder climates, onion seeds can be direct seeded as soon as the soil is workable in the Spring, 4-6 weeks before the last frost date, or even earlier if starting seeds indoors to produce transplants.

The planting site should be cultivated deeply and be free of stones. Work some compost into the soil and ensure that soil has a soft crumbly texture before planting. Seeds should be sown 2.5 cm (1 in) deep allowing 10-13 cm between plants and 30-45 cm (12-18 in) between rows.
Onion transplants which have been started indoors be transplanted to the garden at a
